Q. Who can learn martial arts with Internetmartialarts.com?
A. The program is designed for men, women, and children, ages 6 and older. The training program is set up for individual and group training; whether you want to learn on your own or join as a group, IMA is the perfect cyber martial arts learning solution. Each section of curriculum is divided into 4- month long units; each ends with a student testing for a belt goal. A comprehensive training outline and content rich, instructional videos make learning martial arts straight forward and beginner friendly.
Adults can learn on their own time and IMA is a great option for anyone looking for a corporate wellness exercise program. For children, parental permission and an adult-mentor are required. The mentor can be any adult: parent, relative, family friend, teacher or counselor, who is willing to supervise and proxy the program. Mentors would regularly schedule and administer practices and monitor online student activity. Children can log on and practice on their own, as well as, participate in group sessions.
This makes IMA perfect for private, public and charter schools searching for PE options. The administrative controls allow for complete monitoring and accountability of student activity and participation. A teacher, acting as a mentor, can administer multiple classes with group size flexibility, ranging from one to dozens of students taking different level classes.